
Manuals, handouts, and other documents are available for CPR administrators, instructors, authors, and students.

Downloads for administrators

Administrators can access these documents by entering CPR and then clicking Downloads on the Administrator Home page.

Link Description
CPR Administrator Manual.pdf Step-by-step instructions for performing the most common administrator tasks.

Note: If you’re not yet using CPR but would like to take a look at the administrator downloads, please make your request on your institution’s letterhead and send a scanned copy to or fax it to 310-825-4795. We’ll send the documents as attachments to the e-mail address you provide.

Downloads for instructors

Instructors can access these documents by entering CPR and then clicking Downloads on the Instructor Home page.

Link Description
CPR Basic Student Information.docx Document that you can customize, print, and hand out to students.
CPR Instructor Manual.pdf Step-by-step instructions for performing the most common instructor tasks.

Note: If you’re not yet using CPR but would like to take a look at the instructor downloads, please make your request on your institution’s letterhead and send a scanned copy to or fax it to 310-825-4795. We’ll send the documents as attachments to the e-mail address you provide.

Documents for authors

Authors can access these documents by entering the CPR Central Assignment Library and then clicking Downloads on the Author Home page.

Link Description
CPR Authoring Manual.pdf Instructions, examples, and best practices for writing CPR assignments.

Downloads for students

Students can access these documents by entering CPR and then clicking Downloads on the Student Home page.

Link Description
Understanding Your Results.pdf Detailed explanation of the results displayed to students at the end of a CPR assignment.