
Calibrated Peer Review (CPR) is a web-based, instructional tool that enables frequent writing assignments in any discipline, with any class size, even in large classes with limited instructional resources. CPR includes student training in evaluation ensuring that the peer-feedback, which is an essential component of the program is founded on well-established teaching and learning skills. In fact, CPR can reduce the time an instructor now spends reading and assessing student writing, in particular addressing low-level writing skills.

CPR offers instructors the choice of creating their own writing assignments or using the existing assignments in the rapidly-expanding central assignment library. Although CPR stems from a science-based model, it has the exciting feature that it is discipline independent and level independent.

CPR has been adopted in undergraduate and graduate institutions, in professional medical and business schools, and even in secondary schools.


Calibrated Peer Review 7 is now available

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

We are pleased to announce that Calibrated Peer Review 7 (CPR7) has now been released. It includes all of the features available in CPR6 as well as new and enhanced features that are described briefly on the What’s new page. For a complete price list, license details, and ordering instructions, see the Purchase page.

Calibrated Peer Review 6.4 is now available

Thursday, June 13, 2019

We are pleased to announce the release of CPR 6.4 with the following enhancements:

  • Added the Download Assignment Settings tool to the Downloads section of the Tools page for all assignments, which creates a text file containing all of the assignment’s settings, including the scoring template, minimum and maximum word counts, points, timing, and miscellaneous options.
  • Added the Download Calibration Answers tool to the Downloads section of the Tools page for all assignments, which creates a CSV file containing all the answers to the calibration questions submitted by the entire class.
  • Modified the Download Explanations as Text File and Download Explanations as CSV File tools to included the answers to all review questions, not just those that require an explanation, and changed the names of these tools to Download Review Answers as Text File and Download Review Answers as CSV File.
  • Removed the Download Submission Data tool from the Tools page for finished assignments, and replaced it with the Download Progress button on the Student Progress page, which creates a CSV file with the same information shown on the Detailed Student Progress page, but for the entire class.
Calibrated Peer Review 6.3 is now available

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

We are pleased to announce the release of CPR 6.3 with miscellaneous bug fixes.

Calibrated Peer Review 6.2 is now available

Monday, April 24, 2017

We are pleased to announce the release of CPR 6.2 with the following enhancements:

  • Added the Download Problem List Analysis tool to the Assignment Tools page.
Calibrated Peer Review 6.1 is now available

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

We are pleased to announce the release of CPR 6.1 with the following enhancements:

  • Removed the Add Instructor button from the Manage Students page, which is now used only to display and manage the students in a CPR course.
  • Added the Manage Instructors tool, used to display and manage the instructors associated with a CPR course. Administrators can use this tool to add instructors to a course and also to drop them. Instructors can add additional instructors to one of their courses, but cannot drop them.
  • Assignments displayed in the Not Started, In Progress, and Finished sections of the Manage Assignments page are now listed in order of assignment start time rather than by assignment ID.
  • Improved the formatting of the output generated by the Download Explanations as CSV File tool.
  • Added the Download Peer Review Analysis tool to the Assignment Tools page. This tool downloads a comma-separated values file that contains each student’s overall score and text rating, each reviewer’s RCI, answers, and explanations, and each student’s self-assessment answers.
  • Fixed a problem that could cause a student’s text entry or explanation for a review answer to display incorrectly if it contained an ampersand character.
CPR Central Assignment Library now has WYSIWYG editing

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

We have added the WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor control that’s been available to instructors and students since the introduction of CPR6 to the CPR Central Assignemnt Library. So, authors will no longer have to type HTML formatting code to add bold and italic text, include superscripts and subscripts, and insert special characters when writing their assignments.

Calibrated Peer Review 6 is now available

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

We are pleased to announce that Calibrated Peer Review 6 (CPR6) has now been released. CPR6 has been extensively tested with hundreds of students in multiple classes. It includes all of the features available in CPR5 as well as new features for students, instructors, researchers, and administrators.

Students appreciate the informative progress table that tracks their progress through an assignment and they rave about the new WYSIWYG editor that allows them to format their text submissions like they do in a word processor, without having to type special formatting code.

New administrator course management tools allow institutions to specify student CPR usernames or continue to use the program’s unique assignment.

Additional instructor downloads assist student record keeping and assessment of student work. The availability of hundreds of pre-written assignments in the CPR central library make implementation of writing with CPR accessible across the disciplines.

New tools facilitate researchers in their analysis and evaluation of student writing, calibrating, and reviewing skills.

These improvements to the software and others, which we describe briefly on the What’s new page, make Calibrated Peer Review the program of choice for instructors who believe in writing as a tool for learning and researchers who are involved in writing-to-learn studies. For a complete price list, license details, and ordering instructions, see the Purchase page.

Attention students:
This website is an information site only and is not connected to CPR course files. Please ask your instructor for the URL address you need to access your institution’s CPR courses.
Attention authors:
To author assignments for use in the new distributed CPR system, please user your author credentials to log into the CPR Central Assignment Library.