Below are lists of CPR publications and relevent references.
CPR publications
Balfour, S.P. 2013. “Assessing
Writing in MOOCs: Automated Essay Scoring and Calibrated Peer Review™.”
Research & Practice in Assessment 8 (Summer): 40–48.
Berry, F.C., P.A. Carlson, and D.L. Millard. 2006. “Calibrated Peer Review for
ABET Assessment.” Proceedings of the National STEM Assessment Conference,
Berry, F.C., and P.A. Carlson. 2010.
“Assessing Engineering
Design Experiences using Calibrated Peer Review™.”
Int. J. Engng Ed. 26, no. 6: 1503–1507.
Bracke, M.S., and J.G. Graveel. 2014.
Calibrated Peer Review to Teach Basic Research Skills.”
Natural Sciences Education 43: 11-15.
Carlson, P.A., and F.C. Berry. 2003. “Calibrated
Peer Review™ and Assessing Learning Outcomes.” In Proceedings of the
33rd Annual Frontiers in Education Conference, ed. D. Budny, 2, F3E1-F3E6,
Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Digital Library.
Carlson, P.A., and F.C. Berry. 2008. “Using
Computer-Mediated Peer Review in an Engineering Design Course”
IEEE Transactions of the Professional Communication Society 51, no. 3: 264-279.
Carlson, P.A., A.A. Russell, W.N. Waggenspack, C.G. Wilmot, D.F. Bowles, D.R. Voltmer,
W.T. Monroe, W.N. Hull, and C.D. Raubenheimer. 2012. “Improving Engineering
Education with Enhanced Calibrated Peer Review: Assessment of a Collaborative Research
Project.” Proceedings of the 2012 Annual Conference of the American Society of
Engineering Education.
Clase, K.L., Grundlach, E., and N.J. Pelaez. 2010. “Calibrated
Peer Review for Computer-Assisted Learning for Biological Research Competencies.”
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education 38, no. 5: 290-295.
Enders, F.B., S. Jenkins, and V. Hoverman. 2010.
Peer Review for Interpreting Linear Regression Parameters: Results from a Graduate
Course.” Journal of Statistics Education. 18, no. 2: 1-27.
Fosmire, M. 2010. “Calibrated
Peer Review: A New Tool for Integrating Information Literacy Skills in Writing-Intensive Large Classroom
Settings.” In portal: Libraries and the Academy 10, no. 2 (April): 147-163.
Furman, B., and W. Robinson. 2003. “Improving
Engineering Report Writing with Calibrated Peer Review™.” In Proceedings
of the 33rd Annual Frontiers in Education Conference, ed. D. Budny, 2, F3E14-16,
Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Digital Library.
Gerdeman, R.D., A.A. Russell, and K.J. Worden. 2007. “Web-Based Student Writing
and Reviewing Performance in a Large Biology Course.” Journal of College Science
Teaching 36: 46-53.
Gunersel, A.B., N.J. Simpson, K.J. Aufderheide, and L. Wang. 2008.
of Calibrated Peer Review™ for improving writing and critical thinking skills
in biology undergraduate students.” Journal of the Scholarship of
Teaching and Learning 8, no. 2 (May): 25-37.
Hartberg, Y., A.B. Gunersel, N.J. Simpson, and V. Balaster. 2008.
of Student Writing in Biochemistry Using Calibrated Peer Review.” Journal
for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 8, no. 1 (Feb): 29-44.
Ishiyama, John and Wendy Watson. “Using
Calibrated Peer Review to Facilitate Writing Assignments in Large Classes.” UNT
Digital Library.
Keeney-Kennicutt, W., A.B. Gunersel, and N. Simpson. 2008. “Overcoming
Student Resistance to a Teaching Innovation.” International Journal
for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 2, no. 1, art. 5.
Likkel, L. 2012. “Calibrated Peer Review™ Essays Increase Student Confidence in
Assessing Their Own Writing.” Journal of College Science Teaching 41,
no. 3: 42-47.
Londe, S. 2007. “CALIBRATED PEER REVIEW™ (CPR) A Powerful Writing Program
that will Save you Time!” Focus on Microbiology Education, MicrobeLibrary,
American Society for Microbiology, Spring.
McCarty, T., M.V. Parkes, T.T. Anderson, J. Mines, B.J. Skipper, and J. Grebosky.
2005. “Improved
Patient Notes from Medical Students during Web-Based Teaching Using Faculty-Calibrated
Peer Review and Self-Assessment.” Academic Medicine 80,
no. 10 suppl.: S67-70.
Nickle, T. 2006. “Using
Calibrated Peer Review (CPR) to improve student communication skills.”
In Proceedings of the 27th Workshop/Conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE),
Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching 27: 329-333.
Pelaez, N. 2002. “Problem-Based
Writing with Peer Review Improves Academic Performance in Physiology.”
Advances in Physiology Education 26: 174-184.
Plutsky, S., and B.A. Wilson. 2004. “Comparison of Three Methods for Teaching and
Evaluating Writing: A Quasi-experimental Study.” Delta Pi Epsilon Journal
46: 50-61.
Pittard, M.Q., and Rayens, W.S. 2014. “Using
Calibrated Peer Review™ in Introductory Statistics Courses.” In Sustainability in statistics
education. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS9, July, 2014),
Flagstaff, Arizona, USA.
Price, E., F. Goldberg, S. Robinson, and M. McKean. 2016.
of peer grading using Calibrated Peer Review in a guided-inquiry, conceptual physics
course.” Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 12: 020145.
Prichard, J.R. 2005. “Writing
to Learn: An Evaluation of the Calibrated Peer Review™ Program in Two
Neuroscience Courses.” The Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience
Education 4, no. 1 (Fall): A34-A39.
Reynolds, J.A., and C. Moskovitz. 2008. “Calibrated Peer Review™ assignments
in science courses: Are they designed to promote critical thinking and writing
skills?” Journal of College Science Teaching 38, no. 2: 60-66.
Robinson, R. 2001. “An Application to Increase Student Reading and Writing
Skills.” American Biology Teacher 63: 474-480.
Rudd, J.A., V.Z. Wang, C. Cervato, and R.W. Ridky. 2009. “Calibrated
Peer Review™ Assignments for the Earth Sciences.” Journal of Geoscience Education
57, no. 5: 328-334.
Ruggiero, D., and J. Harbor. 2013. “Using
Writing Assignments with Calibrated Peer Review to Increase Engagement and Improve
Learning in an Undergraduate Environmental Science Course.” International
Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 7, no. 2, art. 21.
Russell, A.A. 2005. “Calibrated
Peer Review™: A Writing and Critical-Thinking Instructional Tool.”
In Invention and Impact: Building Excellence in Undergraduate Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education. Washington DC: American Association
for the Advancement of Science.
Russell, J., and M. Pearson. 2004. “Instructional technology jewels.”
Journal of College Science Teaching 33, no. 7: 24-28.
Simpson, N., A.A. Russell, A.B. Gunersel, and J. Layne. 2006. “Calibrated Peer
Review™ in Math and Science: Research and Practice.” Proceedings of the
National STEM Assessment Conference, 266-273.
Timmerman, B.E., and D. Strickland. 2009. “Faculty
Should Consider Peer Review as a Means of Improving Students’ Scientific Reasoning
Skill.” Journal of the South Carolina Academy of Science 7, no. 1: 1-7.
Walvoord, M.E., M.H. Hoefnagels, D.D. Gaffin, M.M. Chumchal, and D.A. Long. 2008.
“An Analysis of Calibrated Peer Review (CPR) in a Science Lecture Classroom.”
Journal of College Science Teaching 37: 66-73.
Relevant references
Falchikov, N., and J. Goldfinch. 2000. “Student peer assessment in higher
education: A meta-analysis comparing peer and teacher marks.” Review of
Educational Research 70: 287-322.
Pearce, J., R. Mulder, and C. Baik. 2005. Involving
students in peer review: Case studies and practical strategies for university teaching.
Centre for the Study of Higher Education, The University of Melbourne.
Sadler, P., and E. Good. 2006. “The impact of self- and peer-grading on student
learning.” Educational Assessment 11, no. 1: 1-31.
What is
Writing in the Disciplines? WAC Clearinghouse, Repository, Teaching Resources.
Zare, R.N., C.T. Cox, Jr., K. Murphy, and C. Bayas. 2017. “Implementation
of Peer-Reviewed Homework Assignments.”
Journal of College Science Teaching 46, no. 3: 40-46.